Getting Access
Of course the first step for using the cluster is having access to it.
For that you must be sure to have:
- Your KU credentials: user and password.
- Permissions on the cluster, both for the servers and the project folders. You have to ask to your Group Leader for these, he/she being the only one who knows who you are and where you do belong.
- Access to KU network.
- Access to a terminal/terminal emulator.
Your KU credentials
You need an alfanumeric user abx123 with the relative password. These are granted by KU-IT, contact your HR department if you don't have them.
When you are in possession of KU credentials, you have to ask your Group Leader/Responsible to write an email to me ( to give you access to the cluster.
SRV-supekgate-users: the gate node
You need to ask via KU identity portal ( for access also to:
the project dir "bricsoftware" : additional software modules installed by BRIC
and from to :
additional project and dataset dirs belonging to your group (Compute Dataset or Compute Projects)
If your group is new to the HPC system, your Group Leader should ask for a project dir.
Compute nodes have no access to KU's H: N: or S: Drives. This drives are using a Windows' compatible protocol (Samba), which is not compatible with HPC Systems.
These drives are available only from the gate nodes, and you NEED to copy the data you need for your work to your /project or /dataset dirs.
If your group is new to the HPC system, your Group Leader needs to ask for a project dir, here you can find some information about how to do it.
Access to KU Network
In order to access the cluster you have to be in the KU network either physically or virtually, as for security reasons is not possibe to access the servers from outside.
In case you need to work from remote, you can use KU VPN downloading and installing the VPN client from this website.
To access the cluster you need a terminal or a terminal emulator. On Linux and Apple systems you can just open a console, in Windows you can use the PowerShell.
Once you fired up your terminal you need to use the SSH (secure shell) command to connect:
ssh kuser@supekgate
where kuser is your alphanumerical KU user id and supekgate is an alias for one of the four gates to the cluster (supekgate01-4fl)
If you get a DNS error (host not found) try using the complete version supekgate.unicph.domain .
If you have never connected to this particular server before you will encounter a message similar to this:
The authenticity of host 'examplehead01fl' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 2a:b6:f6:8d:9d:c2:f8:2b:8c:c5:03:06:a0:f8:59:12.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
This is your computer warning you that you are about to connect to another computer, type "yes" to proceed. This will add the HPC to your "known hosts",
and you shouldn't see the message again the future.